Monday, January 15, 2018

Colonsay Scottish Terriers

All About Scotties

Let’s begin at the beginning. Recent evidence has emerged that dogs and humans have co-existed for much longer than anyone expected. Genetic evidence suggests that man began to domesticate dogs while we were still hunter-gatherers, dwelling in caves and living off the land. Through selective breeding, different characteristics were shaped, and various breeds began to emerge, each one for a  specific purpose. One interesting thing that I discovered was that in 1980, Harry Frank from the University of Michigan-Flint, reported that the breeds of dogs who, through domestication, became obedient and trainable, lost some of their cognitive abilities such as problem solving. Those breeds that seem to be more obedient have a decreased capacity for insight and logic because throughout their natural adaptation intervention detached them from the consequence of their actions. In other words, those breeds that were developed to be more trainable, lost some of their reasoning and problem solving abilities, and became more compliant to their human master.  This is why some breeds of dogs, seem to have less ‘personality’. These dogs also seem to form very strong bonds with their owners and is genetically predisposed to learn and obey rules. Dogs, such as Scotties, that were bred primarily for aggressive territorial protection seem to have retained the ability to reason on a more logical level. However these same dogs, have also retained a more aggressive nature, in a general sense and may have a tendency to challenge his owner for dominance.

Scotties were developed to work independently from their owners. On the Scottish farm they were needed to control rodents, badgers, and foxes that would harm the land and consume cash crops as well as chickens and pigs.  Their job was to go after the varmint, sometimes straight into their burrows and bring them out dead or alive,  preferable dead.  This required quick wit and swift action. There was no time to go back to the master to ask directions. When necessary, the Scottie was fast and effective.

 Over time, humans developed from an agrarian society to an industrial-urban lifestyle, and the need for these vermin hunters has diminished. We have now invited these persistent, headstrong warriors into our homes and hearts, however they have not lost their drive and ability to ‘think on their feet’. I fully believe that this is one reason why some Scotties are quick to be rather snappy when provoked. Any quick movement or unusual activity might just bring on sudden retribution from an otherwise stoic Scot. Sometimes the very characteristics that we admire in our Scotties, are the same characteristics that might predispose them to being somewhat nippish. This behavior involves conduct that is normal from the Scotties point of view, but quite objectionable to his people.

Because of these inbred traits, Scotties can be somewhat more difficult to live with than more compliant breeds that were bred to go on organized hunts, herd livestock, or the toys breeds that were developed to sit in your lap and gaze loving in your face. Scotties are not lap dogs, in fact they think that humans were put on earth to do their bidding.

Because they were bred to think independently and to complete the task of getting the fox or badger without human help, Scotties are very stubborn, strong-willed and tenacious.

According to the Scottish Terrier Club of America, the general appearance of a
Scottish Terrier is a small, compact, short-legged, sturdily-built dog of good bone and substance. His head is long in proportion to his size. He has a hard, wiry, weather-resistant coat and a thick-set, cobby body which is hung between short, heavy legs. These characteristics, joined with his very special keen, piercing, "varminty" expression, and his erect ears and tail are salient features of the breed. The Scottish Terrier''s bold, confident, dignified aspect exemplifies power in a small package.
The Scottish Terrier should have a thick body and heavy bone. The principal objective must be symmetry and balance without exaggeration. Equal consideration shall be given to height, weight, length of back and length of head. Height at withers for either sex should be about 10 inches. The length of back from withers to set-on of tail should be approximately 11 inches. Generally, a well-balanced Scottish Terrier dog should weigh from 19 to 22 pounds and a bitch from 18 to 21 pounds.
For a more detailed look at what a well bred Scottie should look like go to the STCA web site .

Choosing Your Scottie Puppy

Let’s assume that you have done your home work and have decided that a Scottie puppy is for you. If you have never been owned by a Scottie, I would encourage you to talk with, and even visit people who share their home with one (or more) Scotties. Make absolutely sure that this is the breed for you because taking a Scottie into your home is a lifetime commitment and I am not deluded into believing that every home should have one. Scotties are special and need very special homes. However, I have discovered that after having a Scottie, most people will not be satisfied with another breed. Now after haven chose the breed, it is on to choosing a breeder.
A caring reputable breeder can be located in several different ways. Although there is the exception, you are not likely to find one in the local newspaper or in the classified section of the Internet. Many commercial breeders now use the Internet to sell their puppies. They can have slick websites, but in truth the breeding dogs live in deplorable conditions. Stay away from breeders that breed several different breeds, stick to the ones who specialize in only one or perhaps two breeds at the most.  Go to the Scottish Terrier Club of America Web site and check out their list of breeders. Visit dog shows, and talk to people there. Check out the ads in the dog magazines, ask people who have Scotties to recommend their breeder, and don’t forget about Scottie Rescue. After you have located a breeder with whom you feel comfortable, don’t be put off to learn that you will have to wait awhile nor be offended when the breeder asks you such questions as : “Have you had a Scottie before?” “How will the puppy be housed and cared for?” “How long will the puppy be alone during the day?” “Are there children in the home?” “Do you want to breed your dog?” and other such questions. The breeder is not trying to be nosy, but desires to place her puppies only with caring and responsible families. Also in discovering about your home and life style she can best help you pick out the perfect puppy for you.
Let’s eliminate the term “Pick of the litter” because each Scottie is unique and special in its own way, so each one needs a special home designed just for him. You want to find the puppy that will be YOUR pick of the litter.
The next step in the process would be to take inventory of your home and lifestyle. If you home is very active, you will need an active puppy, if however, you life a more sedate life, perhaps a quieter puppy or even a more settled adult would be best suited for you. After having done that and maybe even making a list of what you would (realistically) want in a puppy, contact a breeder and see when a litter is due. The idea way would be to visit the breeder when the puppies are at least eight weeks old, (or older depending on when the breeder is comfortable in letting them leave home).
Here are some tips on how to choose a puppy using some techniques such as:
  • Sit down and make note of which puppy comes first and which one lags a little behind.
  • See which on crawls into your lip, or pulls at your sleeve.
  • Look to make sure they seem healthy, with clear eyes and a shiny coat.
  • Take along a piece of cellophane paper and crumple it in your hand, see which ones seem interested in the noise.
  • Bring along a squeak toy and see if that noise brings a response from any of the puppies.
  • Don’t forget to ask to see the parents, make sure they too look healthy (although the mother may not look her best after giving birth and nursing a litter of active youngsters). If there is something you do not like about the parents then you should resume your search because the puppies will likely take somewhat after the parents.
  • Ask the breeder about differences that she has observed in the litter. A caring breeder will not try to ‘sell’ you a puppy but will want to place the puppy in the home that best suits him, so she should be willing to share her observations on each puppy.
At some point in the discussion be sure to ask if there have been any problems with Scottie Cramp; Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA or Ataxia), Bladder Cancer (TCC) or other inherited disorders. Also make sure the parents have been genetically tested for von Willebrand’s Disease. A responsible breeder will have no problems talking to you about these disorders. Be wary of any breeder who does not know about these inherent problems in Scotties or is not willing to discuss them with you.
A reputable breeder will be willing to give you a guarantee (in writing) as to the health of the puppy. If you are purchasing a show quality puppy there may be a contract involved. If the dog is not going to be shown, then the dog should be altered, and the breeder should insist on this. The breeder should also be willing to be available to answer any questions that you have in the future, and be willing to take back any puppy that she breeds should there be a genetic problem of if you can no longer care for the dog. (Don’t expect a refund beyond the stated period in the contract, but she should be willing to take back a puppy and help find it a new home if she can not keep it.)
After having discussed some of the best ways to pick out your puppy, I will state that it is highly unlikely that you will be able to go to a breeder and choose the puppy you want. The way it is usually done is to choose your breeder, discuss with her all the above items, see when the she has a litter due and ask to be placed on her list to be notified when the puppies come. Tell her what you are looking for, i.e. color, sex temperament, etc. she should then let you know when the puppies arrive and if she may have one for you. If you are looking for a companion Scotties, color and sex should be the last items of concern. Scotties come in may lovely colors. I can understand if you have a preference but don’t discount one just by color. Neither have I found a great deal of differences between the sexes, as a companion, your puppy will be spayed or neutered at about six months old, and will never even know what sex he of she is.  You should choose your puppy based on the reputation of the breeder, the puppy’s health, temperament and personality.

Scottie Manna

Scottie Manna By Ginger McAfee One fall, several years ago, we were apparently infested with a mouse family. We got the big ...